Attention Business Owners:

Who did more than six figures in 2022 and Who Want to Easily Get Results From Your Virtual Events…

The Virtual Event Easy Button Masterclass

How to Multiply The Results Of Your Next Virtual Event

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

11 am PST / 1 pm CST/ 2 pm EST

In this live masterclass, you will discover:

The Virtual Event Easy Button

  • ​Unlock the secrets to creating a virtual event to take your perfect audience of prospects to clients

  • Exactly what you need to step-by-easy-step to get more engagement at your event

  • Stop wasting time and money on complicated tech with little to show for it

  • Uncover strategies that are brain dead simple to free yourself from tech headaches


Justin James

Justin produces extraordinary virtual events for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, speakers, and influencers that transforms people's lives and generates wealth. Justin ensures you can stay in your zone of genius to serve and impact your audience by handling all of your event tech for you and your virtual event.

Your audience is waiting for you to run your first or next virtual event that transforms their lives, makes an impact on the world and generates you wealth.